Jaxson's appointment went well. His heart looks fine, though we found out the residual hole from the patch is still there and he still has a bit of fluid leakage. His next appointment is in December.
In home news, we found out two weeks ago that we have to move. It is very unfortunate. We have lived here for over 4 years and the kids don't want to change schools or lose their friends. The down side of renting I suppose.
The house hunt has been a bust so far. Our house is 2500sqft with a decent enough lot size. We are okay with downsizing, but we can't take a drastic drop. So finding one of a good enough size and in our price range, in this area is HARD! We found one, but the owner gave it to a military family instead.
The hunt continues...
In health news, all three boys and I have sinus infections. Jayden and Cale have it backed up into their eyes, yuck! My anxiety has subsided TONS. I watched the movie 'The Secret' and it dealt with the laws of attraction. I have applied that to my life and it has changed me so much. I will blog more on that later.
Well, the coffee smells like it's done brewing. Off I go to pack some more if the house.
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